Dishwashers at Dishwasher Guru


Privacy Policy

It is not the purpose or intention of Dishwasher Guru to acquire or use any personal information about anyone who visits this website.

However, if for any reason you send any such information to us through any means then we promise to deal with it securely and appropriately. For example, you may decide to contact us directly via email and perhaps make some suggestions or comments. We assure you that we will not use your email address or any other personal information that you may include within the email for purposes which are not what you would expect. In other words, we might use your email address to thak you for you suggestion or respond to your inquiry but we would not use it to bombard you with follow up emails asking you to buy anything.
Our goal concerning your privacy is to keep it exactly that - private!

Another way in which we treat your privacy in a manner that is trustworthy, concerns the tracking of any websites that we may recommend on this site. Perhaps you visit a manufacturer's website that we describe as providing high-quality goods. Whilst on this manufacturer's website you decide to go ahead and buy something. In order to keep up with the maintenance costs of running the Dishwasher Guru website, we may receive a Referral Fee from the manufacturer for sending you to their website. However, although the fact that you found them through this website is recorded, please be aware that there is no personal information captured as part of this Referral tracking. All that is recorded is that 'someone' visited their website and bought 'something' and that they came via the Dishwasher Guru website. Absolutely no personal or financial information about you or your purchase is captured by the Dishwasher Guru website.

If you have any questions about this policy then please feel free to Contact Us.

Dishwasher Guru



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